Windows 7 configure sql server client protocols scripts
Windows 7 configure sql server client protocols scripts

windows 7 configure sql server client protocols scripts

The message-level encryption is not used when running over HTTPS because theĮncryption uses the more secure TLS protocol instead. The WinRM payload with their own encryption method before sending it to the If using HTTPS is not an option, then HTTP can be used when the authentication If in a domain environment, ADCSĬan also create a certificate for the host that is issued by the domain itself. The ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 creates a self-signed certificate andĬreates the listener with that certificate. Recommended option as it works with all authentication options, but requiresĪ certificate to be created and used on the WinRM listener. (HTTPS) or using message level encryption. The WinRM protocol considers the channel to be encrypted if using TLS over HTTP Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rulesīy default WinRM will fail to work when running over an unencrypted channel.Virtualization and Containerization Guides.Controlling playbook execution: strategies and more.Executing playbooks for troubleshooting.Validating tasks: check mode and diff mode.Discovering variables: facts and magic variables.Working with language-specific version managers.

windows 7 configure sql server client protocols scripts

Controlling where tasks run: delegation and local actions.Understanding privilege escalation: become.

Windows 7 configure sql server client protocols scripts